My Favorite Songs By the Bois!
Man, I'm just on a blog post writing roll right now. But that does mean that I'll run out of steam pretty quickly. Today I want to share my favorite songs that each of the boys wrote! Because boy oh boy do I have some opinions and some favorites... I have no idea who I want to start with because I have so many favorites, but I think that I have to start with John Richard Deacon because his songs were the first that I truly got into. John Richard Deacon (Born on August 19, 1951 [I swear that I cannot say his name without saying his birthday too]) {I'm gonna keep myself at three for everyone and if that changes, oh well.} Take Two: John Richard Deacon 1. Spread Your Wings 2. I Want to Break Free 3. Under Pressure/Misfire (Number 3 kind of doesn't count because I don't think Deaky wrote the lyrics for Under Pressure, but he wrote a fire bass line! (I also like Misfire, even though we ALL know what it's really about. Wink, wink.) Brian May (I have to com...