A Quick Rant and Some Opinions?

So today! I will be diving into some opinions... I am a little exhausted as per usual (Honestly do I ever post these blogs without being in some form of mental deterioration? Answer: No.) So! Today I'm going to share a few things that have been on my mind as well as some regrets. This is kind of a follow up of emotions to my first post. Let's Begin because I have no clue where this is going whatsoever!

So. As is pretty obvious at least to myself (because I'm the only person reading these posts, Yeet.) I love Queen and just about everything about them or related to them (except JoJo Siwa, but that is for a later time.) I can't even find the words to express how much this band has turned my world upside down. There are no words until we invent an entirely new dictionary to express what this band means to me. I think about Queen and legit feel physical pain, yikes. (Btw this is SO cringey so prior warning I guess. Stop here @ myself if you can't handle this anymore, because I have a feeling that you can't).

And the most frustrating thing is, nobody cares that I feel this way AND I can't talk to anyone about it. If I felt this way about theater (which I do) or a sport or a musical instrument; people might feel differently about me, but sucks for you I guess, Queen had to become that thing. Also, it would probably help my case if I was actually a *cool* person but that isn't really possible if you are obsessed with the band *Queen* so yeah. However, I wasn't cool even before I became obsessed with Queen so it doesn't even matter anyway. ("Nothing really matters anyone can see..." Sorry had to do it to 'em. Also, like my AP Lit worthy quotations??).

I also have had this recurring problem throughout my life where I find things and DEEPLY and thoroughly obsess over them. This has the unfortunate effect of majorly pissing off my friends (and sometimes my family). For example, when I was younger, the thing that I was obsessed with was gymnastics. Not only did I ADORE the sport, but I also loved the popular gymnasts at the time, like Gabby Douglas. And Nadia Comaneci (For some reason?? Also Mary Lou Retton??) Anyways! I talked about these gymnasts ALL THE FREAKING TIME and about their routines and leotards and music and scores. I can see now why my friends were pissed and just got annoyed with me. As I went into middle school, yikes. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and last but definitely not least, Doctor Who emerged. I was BEYOND OBSESSED. I think that I might even have been more obsessed with Doctor Who back then than I am with Queen now, dare I say. However, all of my friends and I were dweebs and loved Doctor Who, so at least I had someone to obsess over stuff with and wouldn't ridicule me for doing so.

In the past, I might have continuously spewed facts and annoyed my friends with song lyrics about Queen constantly, despite complaints. However, my friends have figured me out. Now, I just make hints towards me loving Queen and freaking out until they have to ask me what I'm talking about because that's the human condition, and then I at least have an *excuse* to bombard them with Queen shit. But, my friends now know that if they ridicule me enough about being a stupid hoe for Rogerina Taylor (they don't actually say that, for your information), but if they just make me feel *Stupid* enough, that I'll shut up about Queen.

So, now I just do things like write on a blog about how much I fucking love Queen instead of talking to real people about my emotions because *Regret* (Gosh darn it what have I come to, I almost wrote Roger instead of Regret, but aren't they really just the same thing??). And because I'm pulling crap like that, my friends can ridicule me even more! (I swear I'm fine, just uber exhausted because we love 8 hours at Starbucks Coffee!)

There is SO SO much more that I need to talk about relating to this *particular* subject but now I'm just spewing non-cohesive thoughts and I need to sleep (how did more than 25 minutes go by as I was writing this?? Wth?). I thought that explaining this might help clear up what specific breed of Queen fan I am (for my future self of course) Alright! I will share more, much to everyone's dissapointment. Love ya darling(s).


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