John Richard Deacon!

So, update! After multiple mental breakdowns and midterms! I am here, yet again! And I'm mostly just talking to myself right now, because like I've mentioned before; No one! Reads! Or! Cares! About! This! Blog!! So after recording a few voice memos in my car yesterday while I was listening to Queen, I feel that I'm, okay? I literally screamed at my phone in traffic while repeatedly yelling, "FUCK" when I thought about Roger's falsetto. (Once again for the boys and girls in the back, "FUCK".) But anyways! Today I thought that I might talk about John Richard Deacon or Deacy/Deaky. Or even further, Dancing Deacy/Deaky. Or if you prefer a simpler term, a fucking angel from heaven.

SO! In my opinion, I feel that John can sometimes get shit in the fandom. OF course, not everyone treats John that way, but I feel sometimes, that people are just unnecessarily salty with him. I feel that John is underappreciated sometimes too. [Side note, if a Queen fan happens to actually find this. I'm really really sorry! This is just my opinion right now, but I am also a super new fan and there is still so much that I don't know/have yet to learn. I'm sorry!]. I think that it's also hard to really dive into John and understand him as a member of the band because the only people who really know him and who he was while he was still with the band are Roger, Brian, and John's own family.

Something that really hits me in the feels when it comes to John is how hard Freddie's death hit him. I watched a video where someone was talking about Queen ships and they were talking about Freddie and John and how incredibly devastated John was after Freddie's death. I remember just being so shook that I just laid in my bed and cried... Anyways! Back to a positive note!

John Richard Deacon was born on August 19th, 1951 and don't you forget it. (Yes, I do have his birthday memorized, don't come at me.) I will try to put a link to the video where he says that because it's actually hilarious. I believe that my favorite John Deacon look is with either long hair or with the super fluffy perm.

Overall, John is just such a bean... While it does make me sad that he's not really a part of the social scene with Queen anymore, I do appreciate that he just wants to enjoy his personal life. But it does still make me sad because he's just such a sweet human angel! Also, I ADORE John in a cowboy hat ! ! Please see the music video for, "The Invisible Man", it gives me LIFE. Anyways, John gives me big sweet, cute, 'uwu' vibes always. I just feel so happy and warm inside when I think about John! I also feel that John is the member of the band that I connect with the most personally. I feel that, while of course, I don't know John personally other than what I've read on the interwebs, we're really similar in personalities. I'm definitely pretty shy until I get around people that I truly know, which I feel that John was the same way until he was around the other boys.

On a final note! DANCING DEAKY is the Love of my Life. That boy has some moves! I love that the quietest member of the band was the grooviest and most stylish!! Deaky was just so chill about his dance moves, like wtf?! Why can't I have that kind of composure and be that cool?! How is this fair?? I mean, I can dance; but do I make it look easy? NO! I look like a whale flopping about on the stage, albeit a fairly graceful whale, for the most part. Also!! John wrote some of the best songs of the band as well. OK! I adore, I want to break free (who doesn't tbh?) Spread your Wings (which I have MANY feelings about, hrghhnsj), and Everybody's Fav I'm your best friend (Sometimes a jam honestly, like I wonder what cycle of emotions Freddie went through while singing that??)

Alrighty, after that rant which went ALL kinds of places. You can see my descent into absolute exhaustion throughout this post and I feel bad bc MY! BOY! deserves better than this. Yikes John, I'm sorry. I will definitely do an expanded, more organized, and prepared post for John. Because there are so! many! good things to say about not only John, but Fred, Roger, and Brian (and Rogerina...) Alrighty! Signing off then! But I will add some more pictures of beautiful John, in a seperate post. Farewell atm darling(s) [Cause no one is reading this!]
Look at that FLUFF! Absolutely stunning. 


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